In many African countries, children with albinism, or “albino” children, are often considered to be a curse. At ECM, we understand that children with albinism are valued and loved by God. Like EVERY CHILD, they are valued because they are created in the image of God.
A Life of Severe Rejection
These children are often ostracized, neglected, despised, and at times, even physically abused. Parents, especially fathers, often desert their families when albino children are born, or later, when they face ridicule by the community. Children with albinism are not only subject to taunting at school, but are often beaten up if they accidentally touch anyone. Often, teachers do not understand them, and in some places even health care workers are afraid to touch them. In extreme situations, the children’s safety is at risk, since in some areas the body parts of people with albinism are considered to have “magical” powers. ECM workers have even found that some albino children are hidden indoors and denied interaction with others because of the ridicule the family faces. This all makes for a life of severe rejection. But ECM was established for “the forgotten children of Africa.” That’s why our workers are seeking to reach out to these children.
Showing God’s Love
ECM is showing them God’s love in very practical ways –for example, by giving them the gift of a pair of sunglasses, a hat, and some sunscreen. As we distribute these items we share the Gospel story of God’s amazing love with the children, give them hugs to demonstrate our acceptance, and gather information so we can keep in touch with them. Many children with albinism have become a part of our regular sponsorship projects, attending Saturday Bible Clubs and participating in events. ECM also works to educate the public about the truths of albinism through trainings in schools and participation in local radio programming.
Click here to sponsor one of these precious children!
Your gift today allows ECM to continue to bring hope to children through programs like our ministry to Children with Albinism.