Family Empowerment

We believe that child sponsorship is an incredibly effective tool for improving the lives of vulnerable children, but it does not come without limitations. One alternative that combats some of these limitations is our Family Empowerment Program.

Family Empowerment provides education, guidance, spiritual mentoring, training, medical help, and employment opportunities for entire families, not just one or two children.

When you sponsor an entire family, you develop relationships with the parents as well as all the children, and through your support and encouragement you will be able to impact their lives for many years to come.

Family Empowerment is different in another way, too. Our dedicated staff work closely with the parents to help them develop and implement skills that will allow them to be self-sufficient and provide for the physical, educational, and spiritual needs of their children.

Parents and caregivers want to succeed and meet the physical, educational and spiritual needs of their children. By sponsoring a family, you can help them accomplish their goals! You can empower an entire family for $250 per month, or you can choose to provide partial sponsorship for just $50 or $125.

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